
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Expert offers tips and guidelines for the launch of a successful QR Code

كود الاستجابة السريعة QR Code 

Spread controversy in the technical community world recently on the feasibility and effectiveness of the so-called "code rapid response" QR Code, while the acceleration of many companies to adopt this technology only to show compatibility with the latest technology, and with the lack of experts and specialists in this field, some go the other not to the feasibility of this technique if you do not provide the experience and tangible benefits to users.
The Hamilton Chan, founder of the site Paperlinks, specialized in the generation, design, measurement and management codes rapid response QR Codes, some tips and guidance on best practices regarding the use of "On the rapid response" or what is known as QR Code, which can be summarized as follows:
1 - determine the purpose or goal
Should ask several questions before proceeding to adopt a "code rapid response," including:
- Is the goal is to provide a video demonstration of a photographer or catalog or information about a product, or contact information or suggestions about the product?
- Or Is the goal is to stimulate purchase behavior via mobile devices through the coupons, or the so-called loyalty rewards?
- What to look forward to get it advertised? E-mail addresses or promote participation in social media? Or maybe get in contact by the client?
- Is the goal is to provide information about a particular product or about the several products of a particular brand?
2. Invite users to join and participate
After defining the goal or purpose of the use of "rapid response code," should be invited customers and users to take a particular action. CODE should be thinking as a gateway entry. All that needs to be done is to explain what is behind the gate. Thus, the text of the manual, which will be next to the code should be a solid text Aousel your message directly, no doubt that this will require a lot of skills and experience.
3. Design and usability is essential
There is no doubt that the design code itself would play a prominent role in that has Basthan the user, and can be for companies wishing to access to technology through the distinctive designs are available. Perhaps the element of safety promotion code gives users full confidence in the brand itself.
On the other hand, is expected to design the page the user visited via scan code is essential. And should not convert the user after the scan code to the web page hardware-specific library, and therefore should ensure that companies that have a copy dedicated to mobile phones with a professional design.
4. Survey to measure code
Should not focus only on the number of scan code during the day, but to be seen how long the code succeed in engaging the client, which is a indicator of the success of the campaign based on "rapid response code."
5. Standards of social
Finally, companies can consider the interaction that results from the experiment of using "code rapid response" to measure the success of campaigns, and whether the number of visitors to the site or the number of followers on Twitter or fan through Facebook?

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