
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Market dot com launches two new sections of real estate and cars in Egypt

سوق دوت كوم
Announced the market dot com shopping site, e-commerce in Egypt and the Arab world - today announced the launch of two new sections to trade real estate and cars. Comes to sections of cars, real estate, additional service designed to enable clients market dot com in Egypt, whether from individuals or institutions who wish to buy, sell or rent an apartment or a car or other, to get what they seek in an easy and easily in an environment with the highest levels of security .
With the first of its kind in the Arab world, has developed a market dot com a unique application of its kind in the field of real estate, offering customers a market in Egypt through mobile phones iPhone, the opportunity to review apartments and real estate available through the site, as well as advertising their property from any place they are in. and comfortably and quickly, depending on the technologies to determine the geographical location of mobile users.
The new application allows customers to market dot com identify the nearest apartments, real estate available for rent or sale at any point they are located. The new service is available for free, which also provides an easy and convenient to identify allow the average prices of flats offered for sale according to each geographic area or neighborhood. Through the introduction of some simple data such as city or neighborhood and the number of bedrooms apartment, can be identified on the average price, according to the "dot com market index for the average apartment prices in Egypt."
Omar said Sdoda, General Manager of Market dot com in Egypt, that the provision of new services in the field of real estate and cars came in response to the requirements and needs of users of Gateway Market dot com. He added that the new application of real estate via the iPhone, substantially enhances and increases the simplicity of the process of dealing with the location of any place in Egypt, for both sellers and buyers of real estate or want to rent.
The portal provides cars on the market dot com, for sellers and buyers a chance encounter together, across the front of a sophisticated and easy to use. Which makes the process of advertising for a car for sale is very user friendly for the seller, and the same for the buyer who is looking for a car that suits your needs. The research tools developed, which provides many features for the user, allowing anyone who is looking to buy a car, find a car suitable according to the budget very simply, and Altkonologgiot contained on the Site provided for those seeking to sell his car several tools able to download all the information on the drive, which contributes to the speed up the sale process.
For his part, said Abboud Okhaddar, director of development services, classified ads in the company market dot com, the new application of real estate via the iPhone, the first of its kind in the Arab region, contributes to the development process of searching for the apartment or property, where the user via his mobile phone from to find the apartment you are looking for, and in the geographic area closest to him, to make the connection directly by its owner and even get on the map for this apartment or real estate and how to access it. Abboud said Okhaddar that facilitate the sellers and facilitate the sales process, the new application allows real estate owners and brokers in real estate through a mobile phone take more pictures of the property, and loaded into the announcement of the property, which could also include the price and location, is very comfortable and without the need even for a computer.
The valerian Abdullah, Director of the classifieds market in Egypt that the dot com real estate portal on the dot com market has received considerable attention in Egypt as soon announced its intention to market the launch of the portal. She said that the site already includes thousands of units offered for sale or lease, whether by individuals or companies. Revealed valerian Abdullah that major real estate companies in Egypt has signed agreements with the market in order to include the units available to them, whether for sale or rent, including Coldwell Banker, Coldwell Banker, and Trenta Trenta and Nile State Nile State and the booth of the Property, and that will be announced as more companies soon.
It should be noted that the real estate market in Egypt is currently witnessing significant changes. According to the study conducted by the TAPR Foundation for Research in collaboration with USAID USAID, 72% of young people living in Cairo, especially those under the age of thirty want to move to live outside the capital during the next 10 years.
In parallel with this e-marketing has become a vital necessity stressed by all social strata, where a youth under the age of thirty 72% of Internet users in Egypt. Not only that, but the proliferation of smart mobile devices is growing dramatically year after year in Egypt.
In light of these facts, the real estate search service via mobile phone, anywhere, will be one of the main advantages that are unique to users of the portal market dot com in the near future.
And check the market dot com unprecedented growth since the start of its activity in Egypt at the beginning of this year. It is currently the fastest e-commerce sites on the Internet growing in Egypt. The market jumped currently ranked 225 in the list of "Alexa Internet Inc." to the most popular sites, as she occupies ranked No. 7000 in 2010. Is based on the tremendous growth market for dot com to people wanting it as a platform electronic shopping attractive for those who want to sell or buy a new or used goods over the Internet. The number of site users three times the market every month, and double the volume of goods sold electronically per month, which confirms its position as the largest shopping site, e-commerce in Egypt and the Arab world.

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