
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Google launches property create pages in Google Plus

 انشاء صفحات جوجل بلس

Google has launched a social network "Google Plus" the most important features that contributed to the success of the Facebook network, a feature pages.

Google has announced via the official blog for this feature is available for commercial activity or the local spatial, and added the option to brand the product or service, as well as can be for companies and institutions create pages on Google Plus.

It also added the option of the arts, entertainment and sports pages into categories Google Plus.

Service is not launched for everyone but is for certain categories of users and we had the share of it, and you can try your luck from here if the property has been activated for your account.

Google has added buttons to the pages circles, where he was able to join a particular page Doaúrk you like to own.

One of the advantages associated with the launch of Google pages Plus is the inclusion of these pages in the Google search results.

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