
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Google announces that the application of new search algorithms

 خوارزميات جديدة من جوجل تظهر نتائج بحث الأحدث

Under the title "the latest and last" search results, here is the most powerful Internet search engine "Google" begins implementing new search algorithms dealing with this aspect.
Google has decided to start racing in the application of new search algorithms to search engine, addresses show the results of the latest research at all, as an example of a hit in her blog the official Olympics.
For example, if you want to search for the word Olympics, the results of the first search for the 2012 Olympics are coming, and not any previous Olympics, and this in the first result, of course.
New algorithms dealing with the topics most important and hottest in the world such as wars, disasters and the like, materials and prices that are always updated Albroosh such as prices and currencies, stocks, gold, oil, and the Gloy it.

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