
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Study: comments Facebook is more important than admiration button

shares clicks new thumb دراسة : تعليقات الفيس بوك أكثر أهمية من زر الإعجاب
In the study provided by the company Edgerank showed results of this study that the number of clicks obtained by the Articles or articles published more than 5-times through the comments of Facebook compared to right admiration Watwet and Facebook, and this means that the published article gets more interaction through the support of the site for comments Elvis Facebook

In every single press button admiration, the number of clicks to reach more than 4 strokes either in the comments in each comment, and one writes in the article, the number of clicks to reach more than 14 compression and thus shows us that the addition of comments on Elvis Bock is very important for a site where more than these comments interaction with the articles published

Meanwhile, the company said that more days are when the pressure on the articles and share in Facebook is Wednesday, and do not know the company why the frequent posts and Back in the day Wednesday, but it seems that on Wednesday, which falls mid-week in many countries abound in which Visit Elvis Facebook and interact with the pages of sites and companies, here is a graph showing the rate of participation in the Forum and Facebook throughout the week

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