
Saturday, 12 November 2011

The qualities that man loves his wife

These qualities he wants and desired by men, but aspires to be in his works are characterized byBy:
1 - obedience to God in secret and in public, and obedience to His Messenger, peace be uponHim, and to be valid.2 - in the same reservation and property in his absence.3 - to make him happy if you looked at it, and the beauty of physical, mental and spiritual, the moreThe woman is a beautiful elegant in appearance, the more attractive to her husband and increased attachment toThem.4 - not out of the house without his permission.5 - the man loves his wife, always smiling.6 - a woman to be grateful to her husband, she thanks God for the blessing of marriage, whichOaanha Ahassan the same because of him and had a child, and became a mother.7 - to choose the right time and the way their request is appropriate when you want and fear thatRejected by the pair of good style and choose the right words that have occurred in the self.
8 - to be of good character.9 - not out of the house and makeup.10 - that does not raise her voice to her husband if Jadlth.11 - to be patient on the poverty of her husband if he is poor, grateful to sing if her husbandGnia.12 - to urge the pair in connection with his parents and his friends and the ties of kinship.13 - to love the good and strive to spread.14 - the show away from the truth and lying.15 - to raise her children to the love of God and His Messenger Click here to enlarge, and bring them upAs well as to respect their father and obey him and not help them is hated by the husband and theContinue the errors.16 - to get away from anger and emotion.17 - not to make fun of others, and not make fun of them.18 - to be modest, far from arrogance and pride and vanity.19 - turning a blind eye if that came out of the house.20 - to be an ascetic in the world to come to the Hereafter Trjoa to meet God.21 - Mtoklh be to God in secret and in public, is indignant and desperate.22 - to maintain what is imposed by the acts of worship.23 - to recognize that her husband is her master, God said (to her master and the FIAThe door).24 - to learn that the husband's right by the great, greater than her right to her husband.25 - do not hesitate to recognize Balkhtae, but speed up the recognition and explain the reasons for callingSo on.26 - that the memory of God, meditates her tongue always mention God.27 - you do not mind to have intercourse with her husband the way you want and how they wantExcept in the anus.28 - to be in the range of energy demands of her husband does not weigh it and to accept less.29 - not to be Mgrorh its youth, beauty, and her knowledge and work of all of that is fleeting.30 - to be of Almttehrat clean in her body and her clothes and appearance and elegance.31 - to obey him if he tells her something is not a sin to God and to His Messenger, may Allah bless himHim.32 - If you gave him something he does not Timnah.33 - not that fast a voluntary fast without his permission.34 - that does not allow one to enter his house in his absence without his permission ifForbidden, because that was the home of the semi.35 - that does not describe the other to her husband, because that is a great danger to the family.36 - that is characterized by modesty.37 - you do not mind if he calls her to bed.38 - Do not ask her husband to divorce, it is haraam.39 - make demands of her husband and his orders to the others, even her parents.40 - not to put her clothes in her husband's house.41 - to get away from imitating men.42 - to remind her husband du'aa intercourse if Nsi.43 - not to publish the secrets of marital sexual enjoyment, and describes the blocksHer gender.44 - not to hurt her husband.45 - the man wants his wife to the manipulation, he said the Messenger of Allah Click here to enlargeJabir may Allah be pleased with him (Hala and the ongoing manipulation of Tlaabk)46 - If Vrga perform ghusl from sexual intercourse together, because it increases the bonds of love between them,Said Aa'ishah ((I used to bathe and the Messenger of Allah Click here to enlargeFrom one vessel, which differ in our hands, the bathroom)).47 - should not spend his money without his permission.48 - If I hated creature in her husband they should be patient, you may find it best to create anotherAnd beautiful, you may not find it when anyone else, if he divorced her.49 - to save her nakedness only from her husband.50 - to know what he wants from her husband-cooked food, and what is eaten favorites.51 - to be of the religion of Allah ordered list of the rights of a portfolio of her husband and bed & SonsAnd his wealth, his particular to obey God, said that he forgot even though burdensome Nctth angerErdth.52 - to feel that man is important to have and that she needed him and then his positionEquivalent to water and food, when the man felt that his wife is in need of closer to increasedAnd when he felt were ignored and it is the indispensable, whether financial or intellectual wealth, The same Tmlha.53 - to remind her husband away from his mistakes and Hfouath, but always seek to recoverMemories that have passed them and which have a good in themselves.54 - to show her love and the respect and appreciation for the people of her husband, and makes him feel so, and letThem in front of him in his absence, and feel how her husband is happy for his family by themselves, because AjafaúhaFor people born between them and her husband, many of the problems that threaten the married life.55 - that seeks to touch what he loves her husband from the clothing, food, behavior, and try toExercise because the increase in marital love and attachment to it.56 - if it comes out that the deposited outside the house favorite phrases to himself, and it reachesThe door of the house and this shows the extent of interest in her husband, and their attachment to it.57 - if he returned home from outside the welcome and receive him smiling and obedience and to tryEase work troubles him.58 - to show her love for her husband, both in their behavior or saying and in what manner it deems appropriate.
59 - to influence her husband to the people closest to them, even if it was her father.60 - if he wants to silence the speech, and give him the opportunity to speak, and listen to it, and thisThe man feels that his wife is interested in him.61 - to stay away from repeating the error, because if they repeated the error will be less respected whenHer husband.62 - not to praise a man foreign to her husband only to the status of a religious man,Because that raise other men and generates many family problems, has distractedHusband for his wife.63 - to retain the mystery and not spread by this section of the Secretariat.64 - not distracted by something in the case of her husband with her, if you read a magazine or listenTo the radio, but it is the husband with a heart and mind and spirit.65 - to be a few words, and not to be talkative, and they said if the oldSpeak of silver silence is golden.66 - that the use of her time including benefit her in this world and the Hereafter, so spend the timeThe void of what is useful and representative of, and away from exploitation and then Balqil and gossipAnd chatter and gossip and backbiting.67 - not including Taatbaha not then.68 - to be inherent to read the Koran and the useful scientific books, such asHave reported a daily basis.69 - that should avoid adornment and perfume if left outside the home.70 - to be a farewell to God Almighty and to His Messenger Click here to enlargeLet her husband and her family first and then the surrounding society, from its neighbors and her friendsAnd their relatives.71 - to respect the opinion of the wife of her husband, and this out of courtesy and respect.72 - Behndam to take care of her husband and his appearance when coming out of the house for an interviewHis friends, because they look at his clothes, if they saw a clean responded to his wifeAnd considered it a source of clean and Invert.73 - to give her all the rights of wardship enjoined by God uponSatisfied with the same enthusiasm and clear without laziness or procrastination and Virtue.74 - to stay away from fads and magic, witches and sorcerers, because that comes out of the paleA path of loss and destruction in this world and the Hereafter.75 - to provide everything in the house with her and under its auspices, such as food, for example, and notMake the maid and cook as well as providing food, because the dependence of women on the serverDestroys married life and kill it and dissipated the family.76 - that should avoid the fashion coming out of women for modesty and good offices of Islamic Literature.77 - to please her husband if he was angry with her as soon as possible so that problems do not fitAnd get used to by the parties and is accustomed to the family.78 - to know how to deal with her husband, first with the other people second.79 - that the wife should be a good example when her colleagues and her friends, in the proverbialHndamha and speech and Rzantha and literature and morals.80 - to abide by the legitimate Islamic veil, and avoid wearing the burqa and the niqab and otherWhich is widespread at the present time.81 - be simple, but far-fetched, in the wear and appearance and adornment.82 - that do not allow others to intrude on her marriage, and if there are problems inHer marriage, seeks to solve without the intervention of parents or relatives or friends.83 - If her husband traveled for any reason, let him good and safety, andHerself in his absence, and if he made contact with her over the phone to him with concerns AtenkdMind, if she tells him Khpracejia, but it would have to hastens to reassure him thatTo engage in foreplay and antacid on the ears, and choose beautiful words which urges him toSpeed ​​of the meeting.84 - to consult with her husband in their own affairs and public, and instil confidence in her husband'sThis typically consulted him in affairs of trade (if she is her own money), becauseThis increases the confidence and respect of her husband.85 - take into account the feeling of her husband, and what harms it away from saying or doing or creating bad.86 - that the granularity of the sincerity of her husband and show cordiality to him, and married life which without wordsPretty good and warm words, is the life of marital bliss may Variqtha.87 - to participate in the thinking of her husband, Salah married life and make solutions to ImranThe house.88 - that is not festooned with decorations babe show her body to the virtues of men than her husband,Even to her father and brothers.89 - If you gave her a gift thank him, and show her love and joy for this gift, even ifIs not a gift or a precious occasion for her and desire, joy, because that provesLove with the husband, or if you received the gift of them complained that the band speeds upAnd hatred, and hatred between the couple.90 - to be a voluptuous beauty Kamal appearance, beauty and perfection, a moral debtAnd creation, the more women were convicted and fully created as beloved to the soul and the safestConsequence.91 - to strive to know the psychological Mzajith her husband and, when happy, sad, and when and whenAngry and when he laughs and when to cry, because it avoids lots and lots of problemsThe marriage.92 - to provide advice and guidance to her husband, and take the pair in her view, and the Messenger of AllahClick here to enlarge our ideal was to take the opinion of his wives in many positions.93 - to be courted and respected by her husband, do not be late for something that you should apply it, notForward in something like that delayed it.94 - to know the flaws, and try to repair, and to accept the husband to clarify its flaws,Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him (God bless MRA quieter than my faults), and in thatSalah to the family.95 - that the exchange of her husband's respect and appreciation of all its meanings.96 - to be a distinct personality, far from imitating others, whether in or to wearShe or her behavior in general.97 - to be realistic in all its affairs.98 - to go out for a walk with her husband within the officer's legitimacy, and to try to bring joyAnd happiness to her family.99 - the word sweet is the key to the heart, and the pair is more than love for his wife when she told himSweet word with meaning and emotional significance, especially when he knows that the word pairFine emitted sincerely from the heart of loving

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