
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Google launches a formal application for their e-mail works on the "iPhone" and "iPad"

Vicious circle of war between the two giants in the American world of smart phones Apple and Google, did not prevent the launch of Google's special application for users of Apple, and the approval of the last available in the shop "iTunes", citing the website of the magazine "BBC."Has agreed Apple on Wednesday to make a formal application for e-mail to Google, known as "Gmail."The application is intended for use on Apple's popular phone "iPhone" and apparatus Tablet months "iPad."The application gives users of Apple's operating system "or as any" experience in dealing with e-mail to Google, similar to the experience of users of mobile working operating system "Android" on Google.And the other to download the application, and said that it is rapid, where the property can be used to scan fingers, turn right to enter into various sections and miscellaneous files, such as in e-mail inbox and starred and draft messages and deleted messages, and others.The application enables the speed to read the messages and put them in a special file marked, or delete files and other by adding tags to the check boxes for each message.The process of replying to messages very easily, as well as the ability to add attachments such as images or save drafts of messages.But the wrong application can not manage multiple accounts in "Gmail", as opposed to working on the application system "Android", which allows management of multiple mailboxes at one time.Google Inc. has withdrawn the application, following the availability, for an interim period of the shop "iTunes" to address a technical error, and will launch after the repair the defect.

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