
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Culture of donation (Donate)

Screenshot at 2011 10 23 191535 ثقافة التبرع (Donate)

He must have passed you Western foreign sites and found the icon Donate, and perhaps did not yet know what the cause of their presence in many locations.
You must have used Wikipedia, the audio player, video, VLC, you ever asked yourself how much I benefited from these programs or websites, you paid for? Of course not, if you who is paying? , How to keep these projects? Who pays the price of hardware, hosting and other expenses?It's simply donations, these sites and non-profit institutions underlying the volunteers often work against their goal without help users all over the world, yes Ststgrb the adequacy of those donations all this because the culture of voluntary non-existent for us, but not as well as in the West.
Donation is a gift to express through all your gratitude for the project, and support you have and you want to continue, it may be to donate money, which often may be other things, for example, if an institution near you can provide them with offices, computers, send the staff at your expense to help them, anything ...Your donation to these projects will be supported to stay safe renewable free and without annoying ads.
I do not call here to donate to projects Bank (of course not a problem of donating them, but we need more), but an invitation to help the Arab projects, it is not a favor from us into the projects it is our duty to respond to a fraction of the virtues of this project on the community.For example, this site technical world, how much I benefited from it? Have you thought about helping him one day?
If you find a place to donate to a project, your communion with the project manager and ask him to send him an account, or buy a book written by the project owner and the abundance of free and paid at the same time.Does not have the means to pay? The project has helped with advice, a job, a good word, anything encouraging.
There are many sites that helped you a lot, once thought of helping them.
Perhaps I will write an article soon about some of the projects and Arabic sites that we must support them.
Update: for those who ask about how to support the world of technology: you will find at the bottom left menu icon dedicated to theAfter the Catechism of the article and found that we are supposed to replace the word donation support a word that we must always be usedI hope you know that support for the benefit of the support and continuation of the project supported by onlyI ask you to send email to, projects and Arabic sites useful and worthy of supportomarkharsa1, at, gmail

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